Learning to embrace Green Living

Understanding the concept of eco-friendly living and how it can make a difference to you and the environment.

Eco FriendlyWhen it comes to green living and sustainability in our homes, many people don’t make much effort. This is disappointing, because if every household made at least one small sacrifice, the results could be astonishing. At quality builders we believe in treating the environment as gently as possible. We also know that it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

We build transportable modular homes, an affordable and flexible way to live, with a minimum impact on the environment.

We design and supply affordable homes with all the features necessary to be as eco-friendly as possible.

What our homes offer:

1. Energy rating

All our homes have at least a 6-star energy rating, which is a reflection of their ability to maintain a temperate indoor temperature, with minimal use of heaters and air conditioners.

2. Plumbing fixtures

All our standard plumbing fixtures come with at least a 4-star Wels rating, and are known for their efficiency and ability to reduce water usage.

3. Grey water systems

All our homes are compatible with grey water systems, allowing you to easily install a suitable system for your house, which will allow you to recycle all your bathing and washing water for use in your garden.

4. Water tanks

Many of our home owners are not on scheme water, but we can easily hook your house up to a water tank for your water supply.

5. Solar hot water units

We offer the option to install a solar hot water system in your home. This means you need rely only on the sun for all your hot water requirements.

6. Solar panels

We’ve taken care of your hot water but what about your other electricity needs? We can prepare your home with the right wiring/conduit, making sure your house is suitable for solar panels.

7. Minimal site disturbance & site rubbish

All our modular homes are constructed in our yard, meaning there is a minimal impact to the site of your home, with no need for machinery and materials to be on site. There is also very little site rubbish to be disposed of.

In addition we re use all surplus materials whenever possible, whereas most builders normally throw this surplus away.

8. Energy Saving Lighting

All our homes can have energy saving lighting installed.

9. Low Emission Paint

Paint your home with a low emission paint that is better for the environment and makes temperature control in your home more energy efficient.

10. Glazing

All home owners have the option to upgrade their windows to Low E Glass or double glazing. This makes your home more energy efficient, allowing in additional natural light while forming a good insulation layer at the same time.

11. Design orientation for maximum thermal efficiency

We’ll design your home, after consultation with you, to maximise the thermal efficiency. Nature is always more effective and cheaper than using electricity to get comfortable. With a bit of proactive planning and some good design, your home can rely on nature rather than fossil fuels for its energy needs.

12. Insulation

We provide you with the option to increase your roof/ceiling/wall insulation which will allow you to use less electricity to warm or cool your home.

13. Thermal Efficient Roofing Materials

The more you use thermal efficient products, which includes special paints, the more energy efficient your home will be. Colorbond roofing has a number of paint colours that have a low solar absorbency rate.

14. Waste Facilities

All our houses are compatible with ATU sewerage waste facilities, which will work well with your grey water system.

In addition to the above points, we encourage all households to recycle as much household waste as possible, and create a compost heap for your organic waste.

There you have it, 14 ways to reduce your impact on the environment. If you could use just five of these above options, you can reduce your carbon footprint and make life more comfortable and affordable at the same time.

If you are looking for a cost effective low impact home, contact the specialists at Quality Builders